Thursday, November 18, 2010

StEpHeN DeVaSsY's MaRrIaGe pIcS....

Thanks to Shijil who took this photos....

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

StEpHeN DeVaSsY JuSt mArRiEd......

So finally our Beloved Stephen Devassy & Jesna Stephen Is JuSt mArRiEd....


StEpHEn dEvAsSy'S MaRrIaGe tOdAy....

Today,November 16th 2010 is a moment of joy for all of us who care and love StEpHeN DeVaSsY as today at 5.3opm he will will tie the knot of love with JeSnA JoY at Ottapalam,Kerala.I would have been there for attending the marriage but unfortunately i am mixed up with my university exam so cant go but my prayers and wishes will always be with him forever...and ever....

WiShInG YoU a vErY VeRy hApPy mArRiEd lIfE STePhEn cHeTa...........
LoVe yOu

"May you love and hold each other in the worst of times with trust, faith and belief; hoping the best for you on your auspicious wedding"

Monday, November 8, 2010

FiNaLlY StEpHeN DeVaSsY FoUnD HIs SoUl MaTe....

So a happy news for all as our young, chocolate, stylish StEpHeN DeVaSsY selected his life partner and sad news for all the girls across the world who was having Stephen in their Heart Hi...Hi... lolz!!!
So Stephen will be getting married to Jesna, she is born and bought up in Dubai.Well Jesna Chechi you are truly lucky to get such a sweet person as your partner.
The function is on 16th nov 2010 at Kerala
Even if i have personal invitation for the function from Stephen's Family due to my university exams i may not be able to attend the event....

Anyways wishing them both Stephen and Jesna A very Happy Married Life.... from the bottom of my heart
Our prayers and wishes will be always with you

"May you love and hold each other in the worst of times with trust, faith and belief; hoping the best for you on your auspicious wedding"

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

WIShInG YoU AlL A HaPpY DiWaLi.....

Hello friends,
Wishing all my readers a very HAPPY DIWALI!!!!!
Play safe with crackers....